"God is busy knitting." I heard this statement a few years ago when a newly pregnant lady shared her news and I thought it was a sweet phrase based on Psalm 139. I had no idea what it really meant to say that.
I am pregnant! It still feels odd to see those words and know it is about me. I have known for almost 3 weeks and these 3 weeks have been full of every emotion possible. It is actually impossible to put in to coherent statements what it is that I am thinking. I am sure any woman that has ever been pregnant knows exactly what I mean. It is a joy that I cannot describe and sense of responsibility that is enormous.
The overwhelming thought is related to the statement I began this note with. Psalm 139 is a beautiful passage to read as a pregnant woman. It speaks of the precious love that God has for each person, his own creation. Each person has been lovingly designed by God for a purpose…including my baby. Every day my baby grows and develops. Their little heart is already beating, their fingers will develop this next week and major organs are quickly developing and all will be working within a few weeks. I am so grateful that I don’t just have to trust in nature to make all of that happen correctly. Instead, I know that God is tenderly creating my baby. He knows and loves my child and has a purpose for their life.
I have never appreciated the truth about God as creator quite as much as I do now.
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